Learning to let go…

Terri Wingham is the founder and CEO of A Fresh Chapter, a cancer survivor, and someone who believes that we are not defined by the most difficult aspects of our story.

Written by Terri Wingham | September 28, 2010

A warm breeze blows across my face and the water laps at my feet. I sit, perched on a ledge overlooking the Adriatic, while I sip my coffee. The sound of reggae music permeates my senses and I try to memorize this moment.

I had been out for a morning walk along the water when I saw signs pointing me towards the Hula-Hula Beach Club. One of the signs said, ‘Happiness is just around the corner.’  I was intrigued.

I’m glad I stumbled upon this little oasis about a 20-minute walk outside of the main town of Hvar. This is the perfect place to reflect on my challenge of learning to let go. The sign was right. I felt happiness settle over me like a blanket as I picked up my notebook and began to write.

For those of you who have known me for a while, it is probably no surprise to hear that I have always been a bit of a control freak.

As a child, I never wanted to sleep over at friends’ houses because I felt safer in my own bed. As a teenager, I always wanted to drive myself to parties, so I could control when I left. I worked at the Banff Springs Hotel for 2 years and never once took advantage of the free White Water Rafting trips offered to our Concierge Desk team. I created a niche for myself as a Recruiter so that I could control the kind of business I worked on. And, as some of my ex-boyfriends might attest, I tried to control my relationships while convincing myself that I was actually pretty easygoing.

I scheduled, organized, and compartmentalized my life with determined precision. Then cancer arrived…

I became a prisoner to a medical schedule that I had not chosen. I lost the hair on my head, the mental stamina to keep working, and the ability to drag my busted up self off the couch. I hated cancer. I hated the lack of control I felt. I impatiently wanted to get back to my old life and my old self.

I didn’t realize that these lessons would serve me well in the future. That they would teach me to finally let go.

To let go of my white-knuckled grip on the seat in front of me as my cell-phone-talking bus driver passed a cement truck while driving 90 km/hr around a corner on the way from Dubrovnik to Split. I reminded myself that he did this drive every day. Picturing myself rolling down the steep cliffs to the water below would take away the pleasure of savouring the once in a lifetime views.

To release the tension in my stomach as my Catamaran ferry got tossed, like a dinghy, over huge waves on the stormy ride to Hvar. The crew passed out barf bags. I stowed my terror and made a conscious decision to surrender to the captain’s skill.

To dismiss the pit of anxiety I feel at the thought of renting a car tomorrow and driving 8 hours up the coast of Croatia by myself. Other people do this all of the time. What am I so afraid of?

In the last few months, I have finally realized that although I am responsible for making sound decisions in my life, I am not actually in charge of everything. Every day, I am learning to let go of my fear and finally just enjoy the ride.

Check out my photos of Hvar and Split

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Comments (7)
  • Karli • September 28, 2010

    Something we should all learn to do… let go and enjoy the ride. Love it!

  • Terri Wingham • September 28, 2010

    Thanks Karli!

  • natgilb • September 28, 2010

    Hey Terri,I am still following… Good for you for letting go, keep it up. You are hard on yourself when you state Control Freak. I see you as a listener, an eye opener, an intelligent woman… I also remember you saying you were so high maintenance when ordering your food, but you are just not able to handle wheat…All is good, be yourself and enjoy.I love reading your posts and always wonder where the next stop is

  • pepo • September 29, 2010

    enjoy the ride Terri!!!!!!!

  • Terri Wingham • October 1, 2010

    Thanks Pepo. I have been!

  • Terri Wingham • October 1, 2010

    Nat – Thanks for your support! Wish I could make it to France on this trip too.

  • What’s More Important to You Than Your Fears? | A Fresh Chapter • September 6, 2011

    […] times, he arrives as Constantine, my inner control freak. The dictator who first surfaced when I was about 5 and who lived in my back pocket for the next 25 […]

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