Why Not Suspend Reality? C’mon, I Dare You…

Terri Wingham is the founder and CEO of A Fresh Chapter, a cancer survivor, and someone who believes that we are not defined by the most difficult aspects of our story.

Written by Terri Wingham | August 30, 2011

Kelly Corrigan & Mom

“Who do you think you are? Aren’t we all secretly aware that there are things we’d like to try and might actually be able to do if we weren’t so damn embarrassed to be seen trying? When I’m holding back, shrugging and playing dumb, leaving the world to smarter or more qualified people, I sometimes hear my mother in my head, saying what she said to me a thousand times growing up. Oh Honey, who’s looking at you?” I love this excerpt by Kelly Corrigan, breast cancer survivor and author of both The Middle Place and Lift.

If you have 3 minutes and 32 seconds, watch this video where Kelly reads an essay she wrote called “Dare You”:

Kelly Corrigan – Dare You

If you stopped reading to watch the video, maybe you know where this is going…Kelly’s message reminds me to suspend my disbelief long enough to to make My Big Hairy Audacious Dream come true.

She says, “Starting things, relationships or non profits, screenplays or marathons takes a certain willing suspension of disbelief. This suspension is hard to maintain but its perpetuation is job 1. I have written two books and I can tell you that writing one word at a time when there are 60,000 words to go requires a state of flat out dissociation. You need to blow up a nice big bubble and find a way to live in it long enough to forget the world of reason and probability; the world that is staring through the filmy edge of your bubble, barely obscured, mouthing the words, who do you think you are?” (more…)

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Comments (15)
  • Nancy Stordahl • September 1, 2011

    I did watch and listen. Thanks for sharing. I loved the book “The Middle Place” for a lot of reasons.

    There is such good advice in this post. Why is it so hard to step out of our comfort zones and take a chance on our dreams? Why are we so self-conscious and afraid to fail? And it’s so true, nobody is really looking at us anyway!

    I think I need that bubble thing…

  • Terri Wingham • September 1, 2011

    Love your comment! Thank you 🙂 Here’s to both of us building our bubbles and making our book writing dreams come true!
    Have a great weekend and Happy Almost Anniversary 😉

  • Marie Ennis-O'Connor • September 1, 2011

    Oh Terri, your enthusiasm is infectious! I am just loving walking alongside you here as you take the first steps of realizing your dream – I am so excited for you … you inspire me!!!

  • Terri Wingham • September 1, 2011

    Thanks so much Marie 🙂 You inspire me too. Big hugs! xo

  • Kim • September 1, 2011

    You are such an encouragement! Thank you for allowing us to walk with you as you follow your dream!

  • Terri Wingham • September 1, 2011

    It is my pleasure to have you along for the ride. I am so happy to have connected with you. Terri xo

  • Friday Round-Up « Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer • September 2, 2011

    […] am really so excited reading  A Fresh Chapter, as Terri chronicles her first steps at making her big audacious dream come through. She is at that […]

  • Sandy • September 2, 2011

    Just found your blog via the weekly round up on Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer and loved this post – looking forward to coming along with you for the ride 🙂

  • Terri Wingham • September 2, 2011

    So glad to meet you and happy to have you along for the ride! Thank you for stopping by to say hello.

  • AnneMarie Ciccarella • September 2, 2011

    I am adding THIS post to my favorites BAR so that I read it every single damn day *before* I start my day. I am on a new journey and the possibilities are endless. Who would have ever thought a jaded, cynical (“practical”) New Yorker would have stepped into the unknown. Sometimes I waver but this post is inspiring and motivating. One of my new favorite quotes, “Never too late to become who you might have been,” to which I now say… I’m on my way back to me….for me…to BE ME.

    Thanks for this!!


  • What’s More Important to You Than Your Fears? | A Fresh Chapter • September 6, 2011

    […] if you could see fear as an emotion and not a Dictator in your life? What if you could Suspend Reality, Build Yourself a Bubble, and Take One Little Step through the fear and into the possibilities waiting for you on the other side? Share and […]

  • Bonnie Mercedes • September 7, 2011

    I really enjoyed this posting and appreciate you always challenging me in my true thoughts, to reach my authentic self!

    Cheers, Bonnie

  • Terri Wingham • September 8, 2011

    So nice to hear from you and thank you for your comment. Here’s to both of us getting closer and closer to living an authentic life. Big hugs! Terri

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