What’s More Important to You Than Your Fears?
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. ~Ambrose Redmoon
In keeping with the theme of my recent post, If I Had To Live My Life Over, let’s talk a bit more about fear. What scares you? When do your fears catch up with you? What do you do about it?
I gave my 30 day notice for my apartment last week and since then, my old friend Fear has crawled under the covers at night and snuggled up to me. He usually waits until I close my eyes, and then I feel his icy hands around my waist and smell his metallic breath in the air.
He comes in a variety of forms. Sometimes, he transforms himself into the face of Gertrude, my aging, yellowed teeth, judgemental inner critic and lobs the usual questions at me like, “who do you think you are?” or “why can’t you just settle down and be happy with a normal life?“
Other times, he arrives as Constantine, my inner control freak. The dictator who first surfaced when I was about 5 and who lived in my back pocket for the next 25 years, until cancer booted him off his autocratic throne. While I am trying to sleep, Constantine barks commands at me to get up and open an Excel spread sheet and then itemize every sweater in my closet, dish in my cupboard, and DVD on my shelf and make a decision about whether to sell it or keep it; how to pack it; and if I do decide to hold on to it, where the hell I’m going to store it. (more…)
Comments (13)
What an inspiring and thought provoking post. I too have wondered what the absence of fear would feel like, particularly while I was a caregiver to my mother and then my husband. Once we realize that fear is merely an emotion over which we can exercise control – as with any other emotion – then it’s much easier to break free of the stranglehold grip fear can have on our lives.
Thank you Margarete! You are so right – fear is merely an emotion over which we can exercise control. I appreciate your comment and look forward to staying connected.
A must read for anyone who has ever wanted to pursue their dreams but lets fear hold them back (ahem! a little like me so). Thanks for this wonderful post. You are fast becoming my mentor and coach Terri 🙂
[…] must read from A Fresh Chapter for anyone who has ever wanted to pursue their dreams but finds fear holds them back. If you have […]
What an inspiring, and worthy post. I think few are unaffected by fear, it’s what holds us all back. What would life be like without fear I wonder…?
Thank you so much for stopping by to say hello. You’re right – the world would be a much different place.
I look forward to keeping in touch.
Big hugs
[…] A Fresh Chapter adventures after breast cancer Skip to content HomeContact MeMy Big DreamMy StoryPublished ArticlesVolunteering in AfricaWriting Resources & Great Reads ← What’s More Important to You Than Your Fears? […]
[…] as if this is all there is.” Is this how you life your life? Lately, I have asked you What’s More Important To You Than Your Fears and confessed the return of The Mountain Under My Rug. Now, as I pack up my apartment, sell my […]
[…] your journal, with a friend, or with the world wide web is scary. When we give voice to our dreams, our fears rub their hands in glee and tell us all of the catastrophic ways we might fail. But, as I keep reminding myself, fear is just an emotion and not my […]
[…] you have read about my ever morphing, Big Hairy Audacious Dream or the post where I ask What’s More Important to You Than Your Fears you would agree that anyone in my situation would be struggling to take a solid breath (or at least […]
[…] I know. December is next month. But, I have to be back in Canada in mid June for my brother’s wedding, so the sooner I leave, the more ground I can cover. Yes, I am currently hyperventilating into a paper bag and reminding myself that fear is just an emotion, not my dictator. […]
[…] part” commitment or out of the dirty diapers and fisher price toys because the voice of your Inner Critic got the best of you. Maybe you came up with a lengthy mental list of all the ways you might fail. […]
[…] massive mortgage payments, or the dirty diapers and Fisher Price toys because the voice of your Inner Critic got the best of you? Maybe you came up with a lengthy mental list of all the ways you might fail. […]