Spotlight from Peru – Wanda Lucas on Unbecoming
Today on the blog, we’re spotlighting Wanda Lucas and her perspective(s) while in Peru. Wanda is a Washington, DC based, 10-year survivor of breast cancer who believes that there are no coincidences in life. Believing that things happen as they are meant to, she also acknowledges that we have the power to choose how we will respond. She is grateful for the opportunities that the choice can bring. To read the first blog in her 3-part series, click here: Peru Odyssey. Removing The Mask By Wanda Lucas.
A term normally reserved for describing inappropriate, unbefitting or unacceptable behavior is rarely used to describe the steps in one’s journey. I am however, claiming the power of the word as necessary in my life at this given time. I am choosing to acknowledge that unbecoming will bring more joy and peace in my life and lead to the release of things that no longer suit me. Learning that I have created parts of my life based on what others think or say has lead to a shift in my thinking. I now long for greater clarity and balance in my life.
Since beginning this journey with A Fresh Chapter, I have experienced many highs and lows, days of a-ha moments as well as tears. My amazing tribe has given me permission to slip, fall, feel, express and grow. Their hugs embrace me with an intention that is designed to shift my energy. Their level of support is immeasurable but necessary, since I would not be different without it.
“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” ~ Anonymous
I open to letting go of all that gets in the way of my divine journey and I am open to all that is purposeful in my life. I am shifting to the real me and I am grateful that I am learning to unbecome.
Comment (1)
Beautiful! Unbecoming, indeed!