Peru Odyssey Spotlight: Removing The Mask by Wanda Lucas
One of Wanda Lucas’ main desires is to see the world! This Washington, DC based, 10-year survivor of breast cancer believes that there are no coincidences in life. Believing that things happen as they are meant to, she also acknowledges that we have the power to choose how we will respond. She is grateful for the opportunities that the choice can bring.
Recently, a friend described me as an “extra” extravert. I have heard others make similar statements, so her comment didn’t surprise me. And while I mostly agree, this label is almost a contradiction to who I really am. Despite getting energized by interacting with others, I am expressly private. Over the years, this has become part of my identity – a way to protect myself. It worked and in most cases my family, associates and friends accepted it.
Since I agreed to participate in the Peru Odyssey program through A Fresh Chapter, I have felt a shift in my being. I have been strongly encouraged to reveal more of myself. At first, I resisted.
Kicking off my fundraising campaign took me down an uncomfortable path of vulnerability. Since my diagnosis of cancer, I have worked tirelessly to appear strong, warrior-like, nearly superhuman. I was pleased to hear someone say to me, “How do you get it all done?” I loved hearing, “You do so much!” It was so important not to let the diagnosis get the best of me and at the same time, I was going to do all I could to make things better for those coming after me. My self talk included, “This is what I am supposed to do” or “If not me, then who will do it?” Eventually, after truly listening to some trusted friends, I realized that I was, in fact, broken by my experience with cancer and had not taken the time to heal. As much as I advocated against the “evils” of cancer and expanded my reach, the more people I met and unfortunately, the more people I lost. I did not want to admit that I thought of death, including my own, regularly. The realities of my own mortality consumed my daily thoughts. Even now, I spend far too much time worried about my legacy and the impact I hope to make in this world instead of fully enjoying the time that I have been given. Something had to change because I was not being true to myself and therefore, I was losing.
After acknowledging this and promising myself to take action, I realized that I had to also admit this to other people! Even though I didn’t feel ready, I knew it was what I needed to do. I had to share my story and admit that I was hurting and in need of a change. It was the only way I could successfully fundraise but more importantly, the only way I could be fully present in this experience; my new journey. To my surprise, my honesty was greeted with overwhelming support, kind words and love that literally knocked me off of my feet! Through this experience, I learned that it was safe to share, to admit weakness, and as a result, I have already begun the healing process. Basically, I learned that it was okay to remove the mask.
Comments (3)
Really beautiful! It’s wonderful to see that the Peru journey started early for Wanda!
It continues to amaze me how so very much “alike” we are all appearing to be….. Was that Terri’s intent? LOL
This was amazingly honest, very brave, and very well said. We all seem to wear masks, and honestly, mine isn’t fitting so well anymore either….. 😊
I cannot wait to get to know the real you….. Excellent job!!
Wanda youre one of the people that has seen me at my lowest. Thank you for trusting enough to share your challenges with me. There are only a few people in the world that the mask comes off for but unveil your mask phenomenal women.