A Fresh Chapter

Volunteer Travel Experience

We Offer Perspective-Shifting Experiences

An experience with cancer can make your world feel small and like you have lost the capacity to contribute. A Fresh Chapter’s Odyssey programs give you the opportunity to step beyond your story of cancer and connect with inspiring volunteer projects that will remind you of your strength and resilience.

A Fresh Chapter programs are designed to address the deeper emotional scars of cancer – the emotions around the shared struggles of cancer. We do not require you to share your specific story of cancer (e.g. on May 5, 2000, I was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer, etc.). Instead, through volunteering, travel and a variety of activities – such as journaling prompts, individual and group personal reflection and growth exercises, and opportunities to share pieces of your story – our program will help you to uncover the emotional scars of cancer, start to process and deal with them, and begin to guide you toward a new chapter in your life.

You will come home with a tribe of new friends and the resources and support to dream new dreams for your life. Your experience will leave you with a lasting perspective on how to find peace even amidst the stresses and chaos of life.

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