A Fresh Chapter

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Choosing Meaningful Memories Over Fear
September 16, 2015

Fear ran my life for as long as I could remember. From the terror of the first day of a new school – what if the kids didn’t like me – to the fear that I wasn’t pretty enough ...

On Clarity: The Secret Ingredient To Success
September 2, 2015

“What exactly do you do?” This question began to haunt me. As soon as I saw the furrowed brow or eyes brimming with confusion, my pulse would accelerate. I would tumble into my A Fresh Chapter m...

On Making Impossible Choices
July 31, 2015

Exposed. A flimsy gown, the glare of fluorescent lights, the dog-eared pamphlets and outdated magazines. In an instant, time unravels. Five years slips away to another waiting room and another decis...

Donna’s Legacy – How A “Little Thing” Made All The Difference
July 3, 2015

Although we shared the same middle name and the same DNA, it took 11 years for us to meet. She was the elusive second cousin I referred to in doctors’ appointments when discussing the mutated gene d...

The Truth About My Broken Heart, Cancer, and How Africa Healed Them Both
May 13, 2015

An angel, my friends had called him. He appeared after my diagnosis. Showed up – as if out of thin air – when nothing made sense. He promised if we could make it through cancer, we could ...

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