A Fresh Chapter

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Advocating for Early Detection: Dwayne’s Story
May 17, 2022

For the past five years, Dwayne has been the national spokesperson for early prostate cancer detection for Northwestern Medicine, focusing his message in particular toward African-American men to enco...

The Baer Essentials: Memoirs and the Power of Your Creativity
April 22, 2022

Last month, I touched on the anxiety the summer calendar can trigger for me. This month I shall provide the antidote to that anxiety – reading memoirs.

How I Am Learning to Reclaim My Time
April 22, 2022

As the end of summer approached, Washington, DC descended into the heavy discomfort of yet another humid day. I arrived at my desk on Capitol Hill for the last few days of my internship.

The Baer Essentials: Setting Boundaries
March 22, 2022

I am not certain how setting boundaries became my kryptonite. Every spring, I can feel the knot in my stomach tightening as the summer calendar demands setting boundaries with our time, family, and fr...

Cancer & Connection in Cape Town: Toy & DeAngelo’s Story
February 26, 2022

Sometimes even when things go terribly wrong, the universe still seems to have your back. That was the experience of Toy Okotete in 2011, who had just embarked on a six-week volunteer teaching experi...

The Baer Essentials: Tuning Into Your Intuition
February 24, 2022

It’s that time of the year where you can feel sunny days are just around the corner… Rebirth, newness, a clean slate is such an incredible gift we receive each spring. To delve into something ...

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