Healing the Emotional Scars of Cancer
A Fresh Chapter’s (AFC) Odyssey programs provide a unique approach to cancer support by incorporating a one or two week volunteer and cultural immersion experience into a broader six-month developmental framework. Divided into three phases, the program is designed to give patients and caregivers the tools to explore the difficult emotions of cancer while simultaneously fostering resiliency and meaningful connections with others. The program educates participants about struggles people confront throughout the world and empowers everyone involved to seek new possibilities and purpose in their lives.
The three phases of the Odyssey Program Framework:
- Discover: 8-week online series
- Prepare to Travel/Expand Perspective
- Experience: 1-2 week Volunteer Experience
- Connect, Give Back, Reframe Adversity
- Integrate: 12-week online series
- Bring Knowledge, Restored Purpose, and New Possibilities Into Your Life