A Fresh Chapter

Odyssey Framework

A Fresh Chapter Odyssey Program


Welcome to the A Fresh Chapter tribe – we are so excited to have you join us! Over the coming weeks and months, we look forward to sharing both our upcoming once-in-a-lifetime volunteer experience as well as a variety of tools, support, and resources to empower you to discover fresh possibilities, purpose, connections, and growth in your life.

As a cancer patient or caregiver, each of us has a different story, informed by different experiences, and we all face different challenges both from a health and life perspective. When it comes to healing the emotional scars of cancer and redefining how you want to move forward, there is no paint-by-numbers solution.

Although A Fresh Chapter can’t provide a magic fix after the adversity of cancer, we have designed our Odyssey Program with the intention of delivering compelling content, interesting insights, and a unique opportunity for you to explore your life and your world from a fresh perspective. Our Odyssey Program consists of three distinct segments: Discover (pre-travel exploration), Experience (the volunteer-travel immersion), Integrate (bringing the experience back into your life at home).

Throughout our time together, we will explore a variety of different themes connected to healing, empowerment, and community leadership. We hope this framework empowers you to think about what starting a fresh chapter means for you – whether that means making a big life change or finding gratitude in the small things that bring you joy.


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