A Fresh Chapter

Integrate: Home

Welcome Home! 

By now we hope you have had a chance to unpack the treasures from your trip, share highlights with family and friends, and sleep soundly in your own bed.

Perhaps you feel completely content and settled back into your life. But, for those feeling a little blue now that the initial buzz of coming home has worn off, you are not alone.

As you reflect on the experience, it’s ok to wonder if anything has changed yet. Perhaps you expected a massive “a-ha” moment and one hasn’t surfaced yet. This is completely normal. Often it takes weeks (or even months) to process the impact of an experience like this and see how it has rippled out into your life.

Regardless, it’s important to carve out some unstructured time where you can give the experience a chance to integrate. This could mean making time for a long walk or hike, going to your favorite café by yourself, or enjoying a glass of wine as you sift through photos or write in your journal. By committing to some alone time, you will give both the highs and lows of coming home a chance to surface. If you find yourself feeling particularly unsettled and need someone to talk to, please reach out to the AFC Team anytime. We are here for you and our journey together is far from over!

Your volunteer travel experience is like a stone thrown in the water. While you have witnessed some of the initial ripples, there are many more still to come.

The Integrate Series is a 12-part experience designed to offer you tools, resources, and reflection prompts to help you bring your fresh chapter experience home. Each theme will bring you back to a concept or tool we explored together to refresh your memory and help you think about how you might share these tools and resources with people in your daily life. Remember, this is your fresh chapter and you get to choose how you navigate the road ahead!

Thank you for joining us on this Odyssey. We’re grateful you’re in our tribe and we look forward to the road ahead.

The AFC Team

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