A Fresh Chapter

Scholarships & Fellowships


A Fresh Chapter

A Fresh Chapter (AFC) is committed to ensuring our programs are available to people from all backgrounds and all types of cancer.

We believe in empowering each participant to play a role in making his or her fresh chapter a reality. Those who have the capacity and network to launch a fundraising campaign are able to engage their communities to help make the program a reality. However, we know that in addition to the emotional scars, cancer can also leave people financially devastated.

We believe a person’s financial situation should not dictate his or her opportunity to discover renewed healing and purpose in their lives. So with the support of our incredibly generous donors, AFC has both Scholarship and Fellowship opportunities for patients, survivors, caregivers, and advocates who are ready to redefine what is possible after cancer.


We know that in addition to the emotional scars, cancer can also leave people financially devastated.  We believe a person’s financial situation should not dictate his or her opportunity to discover renewed healing and purpose in their lives.

Our scholarships are for individuals who demonstrate financial need, who are not able to fundraise the full program fee, and who are willing to create a well-defined impact plan for how they want to pay forward the experience through volunteering at home. Scholarships come from either the AFC Scholarship Fund or the Melissa Carroll Legacy Fund.

2020 Scholarship For A Canadian Young Adult Impacted By Cancer

In 2019, we lost Jennifer Dornbush – an amazing woman from Winnepeg, Canada and alumni from our 2015 South Africa program. Her legacy will live on in the hearts of so many and the funds raised in her memory will be used to offer a 2020 Peru Odyssey scholarship for a fellow Canadian young adult impacted by cancer.

If you are a Canadian who was diagnosed with cancer between the ages of 19-39 and you are seeking financial support to participate in our Peru Odyssey program, learn more and apply for the program before February 29, 2020. Once you have applied and spoken to a member of our alumni team about our programs, you will have the opportunity to submit a scholarship application to the Jennifer Dornbush Memorial Scholarship.


AFC’s 1-year Fellowship Program is open to experienced cancer advocates, as well as those who have leadership potential and an interest in becoming new advocates. A Fellowship opportunity with AFC empowers advocates to participate in a 2-week on-site volunteer experience, develop new leadership skills, and engage with the AFC Team as we expand our programs to serve more patients, survivors, and caregivers around the world.

The fellowship program is open to cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers who have shown a demonstrated commitment to the cancer community or have the right interpersonal skills and personality characteristics to emerge as a new leader within the advocacy space. Applicants to this program should have a deep connection to our mission and a desire to use their skills, knowledge, and abilities to create a positive ripple impact on communities that may be under-resourced or under-served.


A Fresh Chapter
Through my Fresh Chapter experience, I saw first-hand the power of meaningful travel through volunteering and learned that using adversity as a catalyst for growth is possible. Today I consider myself a better father, husband, son, co-worker and human thanks to my meaningful trip to India with A Fresh Chapter in 2016. — Eliel, 2016 India Odyssey Tribe
Explore Your Fresh Chapter With AFC!

After you apply for an AFC Odyssey Program and connect with a member of our team, you will have the opportunity to explore fundraising, scholarships, and fellowships to determine which track is right for you.


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