A Fresh Chapter

Integrate #9: Practice Ease

Integrate Series #9: Practice Ease

Ease. We have already talked about this concept once in the Integrate Series, but there is real power in its simplicity, and we want to circle back to it. 

Have you had a chance to practice using the question, “If this was easy, what would it look like?”

What has been the biggest surprise or frustration with this exercise? Have you tried using it with very basic things like chores around the house, tasks you need to complete for work, etc.? 

If things feel particularly difficult, think about why you have so much on your plate.

Do you find yourself doing things that perhaps no one else sees or appreciates because you are holding yourself to an impossible standard? Perhaps creating more ease in your life means giving yourself permission to stop doing something or start doing something new.

A Fresh Chapter


Sit down over a meal or a drink with a friend or family member and talk about ease. Ask each other what might bring more ease into everyday life. Challenge each other to be curious as opposed to trying to solve every aspect of the situation. Perhaps you might ask a question that helps the person in your life see a challenge from a different perspective or vice versa. 

Then, throughout the course of the week, every time you’re in a situation that feels annoying, tiring, or overwhelming ask yourself the question: “What would this look like if it were easy” as a way to practice inviting more ease into your life.

Write or Create Read More

There is no right way to tackle the reflection prompts below. You can answer any, all, or none of the questions. You can either write the answers in a more traditional journaling format (either in a physical journal or an online journal) or you could explore the creative process of art journaling. Other options are to sit down with someone in your life or connect with someone in your tribe and ask these questions of each other. Whatever reflection mode you choose, you are welcome to answer any, all, or none of the questions. This is simply an opportunity to carve out some time to reflect and see what emerges.

  • What could I stop doing right now that would create more ease in my life? 
  • What could I start doing right now that would create more ease in my life?
  • What are two things in my life I could shift that might create more ease?
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